29 May 2006

my case for lower case

i'm not sure why, but i love starting my words and sentences with lower case letters. i know it's not grammatically correct, and i'll do it right when i teach my kids, but for now it's just my thing.


Terri said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! I feel privileged to be the first person to leave a comment! :) Looking forward to visiting often! I even added you to my favorite blogs list!

Anonymous said...

Hello there! It is very good to see that you have become part of this addictive world of blogs! Beware. I will definitly check up on you both here so help keep me up to date! Take Care and see you this weekend! Can't wait!

the Domina said...

Hmmm...you are sparse with words, but their meaning is deep and profoud

:) Sara

Anonymous said...

Hi Val,
I feel so out of the loop; I may need to join this new world of interacting with people...who knew? This whole site looks like you--the colors and everything. I love it. :)


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.