toward the end of our meal, i looked up and there was this sweet older woman standing over our table, who began in a very soothing voice, "do you know how blessed you are to have this family..." and then proceeded to look each of us in the eyes with compliments and encouragements. i was fighting back the tears, because it was SO what i needed right then. and it came from a total stranger.... or was it?
27 June 2006
angel encounter at wendy's
25 June 2006
me & music
i am adding a music feature to my sidebar. sometimes it may be an album or sometimes just one or two songs that i am enoying or that have blessed me in some way. i don't personally own nearly all of my favorite stuff, so sometimes it will just be a song i've heard somewhere or snippets i have heard online.
22 June 2006
great family flick
15 June 2006
charlotte mason
you can also find/read charlotte mason's entire original homeschooling series online here. i still have much learning and reading to do!
book lists
- Honey for a Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt
- Books Children Love by Elizabeth Wilson
- Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson
- Ambleside Online
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- A Charlotte Mason Education
i thought it might be fun to post in my sidebar some favorites that we come across as we go.... maybe it will give you some good ideas, too!
12 June 2006
christians & climate
10 June 2006
thoughts on worship
last night on our drive to Chicago (we made it this time!) i read some pretty sweet stuff in his chapter on worship that i just thought i'd share:
It comforts me to think that if we are created beings, the thing that created us would have to be greater than us, so much greater, in fact, that we would not be able to understand it. It would have to be greater than the facts of our reality, and so it would seem to us, looking out from within our reality, that it would contradict reason. But reason itself would suggest it would have to be greater than reality, or it would not be reasonable... (p201)
Many of our attempts to understand Christian faith have only cheapened it. I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me... (p202)
he goes on to recount going up Mount Tabor, overlooking Portland, many times throughout the summer to watch the sunset, and makes this observation concerning the beauty he would see there night after night...
I thought to myself, This is something that happens all the time... All the beauty happens right above the heads of more than a million people who never notice it.
Here is what I've started thinking: All the wonder of God happens right above our arithmetic and formula. The more I climb outside my pat answers, the more invigorating the view, the more my heart enters into worship. (p203)
05 June 2006
pet pelican

there was also a small river that ran through our backyard at this apartment ("flat"), which flowed directly from the pacific ocean. (we lived minutes from the coast.) one day, we could barely believe our eyes as we saw the backs of dolphins swimming past!!
i must stop now... all this reminiscing is making me a little bit sad. michigan is a nice place to live, to be sure, but not quite that cool. :) all i need to do, though, is turn my thoughts to the gigantic cockroaches we encountered on a regular basis, and i like michigan a whole lot more!
03 June 2006
life happens
last night, my blood pressure remained strangely normal, my breathing unusually relaxed, and my voice surprisingly calm as we slowly coasted to a stop in the middle of 16th street. our van was loaded up with our children and luggage as we embarked on our journey to chicago for the weekend... at least that was the plan until the van decided it wasn't goin' nowhere. oh, and did i mention that just that afternoon we had picked it up from the fix-it place and allowed the fix-it people to charge an unspeakable amount of money to our account to fix this very problem! it appeared we had just spent a heck of a lot of money and an entire day of packing for nothing.
but, like i said, somehow i remained rather unphased and even pleasant throughout the entire ordeal. (believe me, my husband will confirm that this is highly un-normal!) i guess i am finally starting to learn that life gives what it will, and we can either be miserable about it (and make everyone around us miserable in the process), or we can make the best of it. maybe a lesson in learning to handle disappointment was what we needed more than a weekend away.
a very cozy car ride in my dear sister's "race car" (as levi likes to call it), a phone call to grandma & grandpa instead, and a few roasted marshmallows in the backyard with the neighbors... and it wasn't such a bad night after all.
01 June 2006