06 January 2008

a new year & a couple of new goals

i didn't mean to time it this way -- at the usual time of new year's resolutions and all -- but i have been giving some thought lately to some little changes i would like to start making in my general lifestyle. i am hesitant to even write them here, because then they seem even more doomed to fail... but here goes, anyway.

the first is exercise... i know, i know, so predictable. i have been inspired by a couple of my friends who have recently run marathons, and while i don't think i'll be signing up for one of those anytime soon (or in this lifetime), i have been feeling the need (particularly around the mid-region) to make a little more effort toward getting in shape. plus, i know it will make me feel better, both physically and mentally. i have taken the plunge and joined a local gym -- with childcare to boot -- so i am looking forward to taking advantage of that, at least until the weather warms up. and since i'm paying for it, hopefully that will help to keep me motivated!

secondly, i desire to access more of my creative self that so easily gets crowded out by the demands of daily life with three young children. another friend recently sent me to a crafty mom's blog/website that sent me over the edge with inspiration. (i have added it to my sidebar -- soule mama). i have just been thinking about how we spend so much energy helping the kids to grow and access the gifts and passions that God has put in them, that sometimes we forget that God has put things in us as parents, too... besides just the obvious tasks and skills required for raising and caring for a family (though i'm not sure i got all those...) and, how it is probably good for our kids to see us pursuing such things, too. when i see things such as the blog i mentioned above, something comes alive inside me that i realize has for the most part been lying dormant. i just want to learn and experiment more with incorporating more creativity and enjoyment of beauty into my everyday life with my kids. i may even need to request a sewing machine for my birthday... ;)

any new goals out there that you feel like sharing?

1 comment:

the Domina said...

my goals include NOT developing a new hobby/craft to take up my time, but I think I already broke that by getting a spinning wheel!