26 April 2007
book it!

25 April 2007
snowstorms, sunburn, & snakes
and this past weekend was so nice that i ended up with a sunburn! sunday's weather could not have been more gorgeous, and we decided to take advantage of it and get out for a nature hike. we saw many beautiful spring wildflowers, as well as three different garter snakes, one of which we were able to catch as you can see below. i am not a fan of most little critters such as these, but this guy didn't bother me... though i did not volunteer for a turn holding him!

16 April 2007
can i take a hint??
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." -Jesus
11 April 2007
sawyer's ABC's
A is for Appetite... i swear this kid would eat all day if i kept putting food in front of him. he often eats more than i do. all three of our kids have been good eaters, and all three of them have been very chubby 1 year olds!
B is for Ball... & Book... & Blankey...
as passionate as his big sister is about dogs and his big brother is about trucks, sawyer is equally passionate about anything round that can be tossed or rolled or just carried around!
he also absolutely loves his board book collection and can be found at least once a day following mommy around with one, whining until i sit down and read it to him. or, if i am across the room from him and say, "sawyer, do you want to read a book?" he instantly drops everything (except his book, of course), and rushes over to me with a huge smile on his face and snuggles up into my lap.
and again taking after his older siblings, he loves his blankey. i also must admit that he usually really likes going to bed!
C is for Curls! i'm holding out as long as possible on taking him for his first hair cut, because i'm afraid those adorable curls are going to be gone for good when i do. i suppose it's possible that they will grow back, but miriam's hair was similar at that age and now is mostly straight. it will be a sad day.07 April 2007
tulips, tourists, & turns
i was reminded of this as i was out driving through town this morning and had to wait in a traffic back-up behind an unfortunate, unknowing soul attempting to take a left turn in the middle of a US 31 intersection. if you have lived here in the Holland area for any length of time you know what i'm talking about. the funny thing is, while this can certainly annoy us locals, there is a surprising amount of patience for these poor drivers unfamiliar with the ways of our "Michigan turns". perhaps it is because we all internally sympathize with how idiotic the whole system really is.
04 April 2007
new nephew

there are now 3 granddaughters and 3 grandsons on my side of the family... tie-breaker is due to arrive in october. (and no, it is not a dietsche!) also stay tuned for the arrival of the kids' first cousin on the dietsche side in august!
03 April 2007
green ideas
one small thing i am starting to do is to take my own grocery bags to the store to reuse them. little did i know that (at least where i shop) you get a 5 cent credit for each of your own bags you bring!