28 July 2007

the melon patch

the kids and i spent most of the day today at my parents' house (even though they weren't there...) it was just a good day to let them play in their sprawling country yard and get a change of atmosphere from our own backyard. after putting sawyer down for a nap, i had a chance to sit and read on their shaded porch. miriam and levi were not in view, and it had been unusually quiet for some time, so i decided to venture out of my comfy spot and check on them. next to my parents' yard is some otherwise unused farmland that they currently rent out to friends of theirs who grow and sell produce. i had seen these folks recently arrive to tend to their crops and figured the kids had gone over to see what they were up to. this is what i found when i got over there: first they got a tour of the place, and then they were put to work helping to gather up the ripe cantaloupes. we all got to taste test them as well.
and as you can see here, they even got paid! :)


Jen said...

ummmmmm.... when did Miriam get to look like she is 15? Holy cow!

jen said...

love that last photo!