01 May 2008

day at the farm

it seems to be becoming a tradition of ours to make a springtime trip to our friends' little farm. this visit is usually motivated by hearing news of new baby goats being born, which we simply must go and see... you know, for educational purposes. ;) they also have sheep, free range chickens, rabbits, cats, a beautiful collie/border collie mix, and this year they've added a horse to boot. and as if the animals were not enough, they have some of the coolest kids ever -- the youngest of which is a girl a little older than miriam. they are some of our favorite people, and their home is one of our favorite places to go.

miriam and frosty, only a few days old

miriam and major

if goats can be adorable, this is. look carefully... notice which head goes with which body!

fully within character for each of the boys: levi was still most enthralled with the collection of matchbox cars and trucks indoors, and sawyer found a ball within one minute of arrival and carried it around nearly the entire time we were there.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my... that picture of Levi is Matt all over again!