05 June 2008

what day is it?

this morning i was more motivated than usual and got up for a jog at 6:00 am. when i came home, matt was still in bed so i decided to take a quick trip to the store (2 minutes away) for a few desperately needed groceries. miriam and levi were awake when i returned, but sawyer--my late sleeper--was still asleep, so i let the kids put on some cartoons and went back upstairs to read until sawyer woke up. about 10 pages and 3 hours later... i woke up again to a quiet house and a rainstorm outside. miriam and levi were still quietly watching tv and sawyer, though awake, was still quietly hanging out upstairs. and even though it was pushing lunchtime by the time we had breakfast, it still felt like early morning because of the dark storm outside. i guess i should stop blogging about it now and go and get something done today.

1 comment:

the Domina said...

Three hour long nap while the kids were awake? Only do that if you're sure your smoke detectors are in working order! :) Perhaps next time M&L will make breakfast for you!