20 October 2006

interesting (or not) tidbits

i have not been writing much lately, not for lack of things to write about, but because i have so many thoughts running through my head that i don't know where to begin! so for now i will recount some of the more eventful and measurable dietsche happenings from the past couple of weeks...

-miriam learned to tie her shoes last week! this was one of those daunting parental responsibilities to me for some reason--"how am i ever going to teach that?"--but i can now lay those fears to rest because somehow she's doing it and i don't even remember teaching her. i think matt showed her once or twice.

-similarly, today after lunch, she starts marching around the living room singing by twos up to 120. don't remember teaching her that, either. she then tried counting by threes but only got up to 9. then she figured out counting by fives, and got up to about 105. i think she's got her daddy's head for numbers. she is also really taking off with her reading and writing.

-levi is really making strides in his behavior... and just at the point when i was ready to toss him in preschool just to get a break from the constant discipline issues. we have had several people comment to us on how well-behaved he has been lately in different situations, which has been SO encouraging. we are really getting somewhere!

-sawyer has learned to wave and give high-fives.

-this past weekend we travelled to chicago for a rousing weekend of pumpkin hunting, pony riding, pumpkin carving, and of course, shopping! it's always hard to resist paying IKEA a visit while we are down there. i am pleased to report that i was finally able to purchase the chandelier for our dining area that i have been eyeing for the past two years! it is a lovely replacement to the bare lightbulb that previously graced our kitchen ceiling.

-i am so proud of myself for reading a 370 page book ("House")--for FUN! i don't know how long it's been since i have read a book for pure enjoyment instead of with the intention of learning something from it. the funny thing is, many times a meaningful story can speak to my heart just as much as, if not more than, non-fiction.

-matt is ranked first place in his fantasy football league for the third year in a row. i keep telling him he should start putting money on it--we could be rich by now. :)

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