19 May 2007

what would yours be?

i am slowly working my way through a book called The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self, and one of the chapter-end "tasks" given was to list five imaginary lives that you would choose if you had five other lives to lead. i thought i would share what came to mind for me, and thought it might also be fun for my readers/friends to share what theirs would be, as well. perhaps it will give us some new insights into each other's personalities and interests. :) this is just supposed to be fun -- don't overthink it too much!

I would be...
1) in an indie band
2) a world traveller
3) an organic farmer
4) a naturopath
5) a hippie


Matt said...

Ok, here are mine:

- a professional musician
- a professional athlete (NBA)
- an author (fiction)
- an 1800's pioneer
- a hermit

Jen said...


- a billionaire (who could basically travel the world and do nothing else)
- a veterenarian
- a professional womens' football player
- a landscape designer
- chef

Amy said...

-A midwife
-A vegitarian chef (who cooks veg. not necsessarily eats veg. :)
-Living a completely self-sustainable life (grow own food, make own clothes, off the "grid" and using only what we can make ourselves...I guess I'm assuming Brian would join me in this, b/c there is no way I could do it on my own....I hope it's on his list, too!)
-National Park Ranger
-Really great story teller

the Domina said...

My 5 imaginary lives:

1) heroine in a Jane Austen novel
2) jazz singer
3) shepherd in Ireland
4) pro tennis player (just so I could finally beat Steve)
5) female pirate/swashbuckler

Terri said...

1) Italian chef
2) guitar player in a worship band
3) artist
4) owner of a greenhouse/florist
5) wildlife/nature photographer