30 July 2006
james macdonald
28 July 2006
plant a tree
- it bothers me when people run the water on full force between rinsing their dishes or while they are brushing their teeth, as well as when people water their lawns in the middle of the day.
- i have an inner struggle every time i go to pour my coffee at church into a styrofoam cup.
- i have to admit that sometimes i get annoyed at matt when he lets the car run after we have arrived and parked at our destination. (but i must give him credit for riding his bike to work most days that he can.)
- matt also just informed me that i am a recycling freak. beware if you throw something recyclable into the garbage bin at our house!
- i also have to admit that i sometimes re-bag some of my groceries before leaving the store, because i can barely live with myself if i am carrying only one or two items in a plastic bag. and if i am only buying one or two things, i will usually leave the bag and just carry my stuff.
anyway, the whole reason for bringing this up is that i was at IKEA today--one of my all-time favorite stores that i only get to go to when we are visiting matt's family--and saw a sign directing me to this website. it can apply to you whether you shop at IKEA or not, and has some interesting information and links. check it out.
27 July 2006
good quote
-Vonette Z. Bright
21 July 2006
empty house & empty holes -- pt 1
i have been taking this opportunity in part to clean the house up a bit more than usual. i often get so frustrated in day-to-day life trying to keep up with the housework and three kids at the same time. when i get a break like this, i remember how much easier it is to keep a tidy home when you don't have little hands coming along behind you undoing what you have just done! but i also realize how much i miss those little hands when they are not here.
it seems everywhere i go people are saying, "enjoy them while they're young... the time goes so fast... before you know it they'll be grown..." i am always so grateful for this reality check, because it is so easy to forget when i am in the midst of the baby who is overdue for a nap and a diaper change, the 3 year old having a tantrum, and the 5 year old whining because she's hungry. there are never-ending demands on my time and energy these days. and yet, even just looking back one year, i can see how much miriam and levi are growing up already. and time just keeps marching forward.
not only will they not stay little forever, but it is also so easy to forget that each day with them is a gift. nothing in this life is guaranteed. this is a lesson i learned from my brother, who left his life on this earth a few months into his 16th year. we re-lived similar feelings again after levi's birth when we thought we might lose him. i cannot even begin to try to describe with words the pain experienced throughout both of those ordeals, but one reason i am grateful for them is that it has become easier to see that though these children have been entrusted to me, they do not belong to me, and i do not know how long i have with them or what God may have in store. though i often still forget this, when i do remember, it makes it easier to trust that God is in control.
this leads me to another thought, which i will continue later...
14 July 2006
my baby's crawling

here are a few more of my favorite shots taken of the kids the other day:

oh, to be little...
11 July 2006
time for some kid pictures!
09 July 2006
one last tux shot

since this may be the last time all the guys will be in tuxes together, i just had to highlight the occassion, as well as to include their previous tux shots. the first here was taken 8 years ago at scott's (second from right) wedding, and the second was taken 7 years ago at ty's (second from right) wedding. (our wedding was a month after scott's, and no tuxes.)
matt has been so blessed to have this great group of guys who have stayed in touch through the years since their beginnings a decade ago-yikes-at hope college. looking forward to a couple of days at the cottage all together (minus the honeymooners) next weekend!