14 July 2006

oh, to be little...

it was a really hot day today, and for part of the afternoon all my kids were running around top-less. that's still an option for guys when you grow up, but not so much for us girls. unless, of course, you live in some other part of the world, like where we used to live in australia... ah, yes, another australia memory... top-less beaches!! optional, of course. i'll let you guess which option i chose. :) our YWAM beach ministry events where always interesting...


Anonymous said...

we just enjoyed our first taste of topless beaches when we were in nice....it seemed like the only women who were actually topless were the ones who had boobs hanging down to their waists. i chose to keep my top on! :)

val said...

i thought of you guys when i was writing this post as you bask on the beaches of the mediterranean!