10 November 2007

kid tidbits

1) Miriam and Levi went to Sam Wolthuis' "superhero" birthday party today. I usually feel at a loss when it comes to having to dress the kids up a certain way, but I'd say we did a pretty good job considering we were just using what we found around the house. (Levi is grabbing a sword from behind his back... and yes, those are his underwear on the outside of his pants.) What do you think?

2) We've finally been trying Levi wearing underwear to bed at night, and he's been doing really good staying dry. One morning this past week he came into my room wearing only his underwear and Miriam's robe. I figured he had wet because he had taken his pj's off, so I said to him, "Is your bed wet, Levi?" "Yeah..." he replied, and then paused. "Well," he continued, "my pillow is wet, but my underwear is dry!" I had to think about that one for a minute, especially early in the morning. I guess he's just a big-time drooler when he sleeps!

3) Miriam and I were driving downtown Holland the other night and I was pointing out different places to her, one of which was the Pizza Hut. She looked at the sign and said, "Huh, that's funny, this one is called Pizza HUT and the one by us is called Pizza HOT!" I tried to convince her that they were the same but she did not believe me. I guess her version of the name really does make more sense!


Terri said...

That is just too cute! You will cherish that picture forever!

jen said...

These costumes totally rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, my poor niece and nephew! lol Just playing! they look like true Dietsche's! Love it!