09 April 2008


Well, my three month gym membership expired at the end of March. Somehow I managed to actually put on a couple of pounds during that time. My well-meaning friends assure me it is probably muscle (yeah, right). It was, however, a good experience and helped me hang on through the winter blahs.

I started out going mostly to aerobics classes – anything to avoid the treadmill. But with about a month left on my membership, I strategized that if I could actually convert myself into at least somewhat of a runner, then I could continue doing that outdoors (for FREE) when the end of the March rolled around. Besides, the step aerobics I was doing was starting to take a toll on my knees. The dreaded treadmill was calling my name. By the end of the month, this non-runner was able to jog a consecutive 15-20 minutes. Not too impressive, I know, but more than I have done since college.

Tonight I tried jogging outdoors and it was much harder for some reason. My marathon runner friend, Rachel, tells me that sidewalks are the most unforgiving surface to run on and that I should really invest in new shoes (mine are pretty bad right now). Treadmills, at least the ones at my gym, actually have quite a bit of give in them. I have had painful hip issues on and off since high school, which is partly why I have always shyed away from jogging. Last year I finally decided to do something about it and learned from my physical therapist that I have a ligament that has been damaged for so long that it is now like a stretched-out rubber band. Since those treatments, which helped tremendously, I have been able to do specific exercises to keep the muscles around that area strong and more supportive (when I remember to do them).

So, perhaps some new running shoes are in my future, and maybe even a used treadmill... but probably no marathons. :)


Terri said...

I'm impressed. Seriously. I haven't seen a treadmill in...years, and everytime I've tried running outside, it pretty much is a 1 time deal.

the Domina said...

We have a treadmill - a 4 year old, practically unused treadmill. Sigh. I'm with Terri on the one-time outside runs. I think doing some speed walking is necessary before I dive into running so I don't kill myself.