02 April 2008

new cards

I have added two new tulip card sets to my collection! One is in bright colors and one is in black & white. Each set contains 8 blank note cards and envelopes made from 100% recycled paper and includes two of each photo. You can view these new sets at my website, www.waterlilyphoto.com. We have also expanded the print gallery at the website with a handful of new photos, so check those out, as well! I am also always open to doing custom cards/card sets if you see photos there you prefer over those in the sets I have already made up.

They will be for sale along with my others at Treehouse Books (downtown Holland), or from me directly for a bit less than they sell for in the store.

A huge thank you to my dear husband, who sacrificed an entire evening to getting these additional images on the website! I could never do this without him.

I am currently in process of deciding where to branch out next in terms of my photography... stay tuned. :)

1 comment:

the Domina said...

Truly beautiful! Makes me miss home. Tulips are starting to show their faces here, along with the beautiful drapey wisteria blooms.