22 April 2008

thoughts for the day

"I was a better mom before I had children."

"Since becoming a mom my black-and-white theories have turned into many shades of gray!"

(pgs 17 & 18, from Mom...and Loving it)

to be honest, many days i don't feel cut out for this job (mothering, homeschooling, housekeeping). my house is a mess, my schedule is scattered, and my kids are disrespectful. and when i start looking around at others i feel even worse. oftentimes i think the solution is to just keep working at "fixing" myself and somehow making myself better at whatever it is that is bothering me that day.

but God reminded me of another way to see things this morning. recently i began doing a Bible study with a couple of my neighbors. i was reading through our current lesson this morning and God was really speaking to me through it. at one point the reading was from the passage in Exodus where God is asking Moses to go to speak to Pharoah and Moses is trying to come up with every reason why he couldn't/shouldn't do it. it struck me that God's call to Moses was not based on Moses' strengths. in fact, it was right in the area of his weakness and insecurity.

this encourages me today. when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter if i believe myself to be good at what i'm doing or not. what matters is whether or not i believe God has called me to do it. and i want to be willing to obey and trust Him even when i feel inadequate. His grace is sufficient.

1 comment:

mckeefamily03 said...

Thanks for sharing Val! I know how you feel, daily! It's a struggle and a challenge, but your thoughts were very encouraging to me! Something I need to remember! I really enjoy reading your blog Val... Thanks!