28 July 2008
Trip to Seattle: Part 2: Weekend with Tim & Jan
25 July 2008
Trip to Seattle: Part 1: Mount Rainier National Park
ARRIVING :: We arrived Tuesday safe & sound in Seattle after a 4 hour morning flight from Chicago. I realized that this was my/our first ever domestic destination flight (not counting connecting flights for international trips). It was strangely easy to pack for (1) just Matt & I with no kids, and (2) going for just one week in our own country!
Matt’s uncle met us at our rental car location and took us out for lunch overlooking the Puget Sound at a little fish & chips joint. He then led us to their home outside the main city. He is a builder/craftsman and built the entire thing himself, including much of the interior woodworking. It is beautiful. They also have a bit of property with a couple of horses, a pond, and gardens. See that umbrella on the deck there? Under there is where I am sitting presently typing this post.
CAMPING :: We are vegging this afternoon after arriving back from our camping adventure in Mount Rainier National Park. We headed out there Wednesday morning and camped for two nights at White River Campground. Matt’s aunt & uncle had all the gear we needed so we didn’t have to haul it all from MI.

HIKING - IGNORANCE IS BLISS :: The next day we were up at the crack of dawn and Matt wanted to get an early start on hiking the Glacier Basin trail, whose trailhead was just feet from our campsite. I figured it would be a nice little walk and it would take us a couple of hours. First, I failed to recognize that we would be going uphill most of the way. Also, we neglected to see (until the end) this little yellow sign posted under the main trail sign:

And yes, we even saw a bear! God knew that Matt really wanted to see one, and that I needed to be IN our car on our way OUT of the campground when he crossed our path! :)
18 July 2008
14 July 2008
harry returns

matt and i hit barnes & noble the other night and each bought ourselves a new book for the trip, as well as harry potter #6. so, there's some extra motivation for me. besides, i can't stop now -- i need to find out how it all ends!! maybe i can finish the series by the end of the year??
my sweet husband, who finished #5 a few months ago now, has been waiting for me before starting #6. we finish a book and then watch the corresponding movie together. maybe we will have to watch #5 before we leave!
ps--never thought i would read these. initially, i jumped on the bandwagon that said these books were evil. they're really not if you ask me. it's fictional fantasy, which i'm finding that i really enjoy. i have never been much of a fiction reader in the past, but these books have opened up that world to me and i am so hooked now!
12 July 2008
am i in denial??
"can i help you find something?" asked the saleswoman.
"yeah, do you have any skirts, like cargo style?"
and then, the first blow.
"is this for you or your daughter?"
ouch. do i really look old enough to have a daughter who would shop at Aeropostale?
she said i might try Penneys.
now, i still like to shop in the juniors section. granted, sometimes i pick up what i think is a cute skirt only to discover it is actually a shirt, and i can't really buy jeans there if i want to be able to bend over with any sense of decency, but for the most part i like the style of clothes better. perhaps i am living in denial of my actual age. the encounter i was about to have with a second saleswoman seemed to suggest this.
"hi," i said, "where would i find a khaki or cargo style skirt, not too short...?" (by this i meant one that would actually cover most of my thighs.)
"for you?" i should have known right then that this was not going to be good. "follow me."
yes, for me! ok, i may not have showered this morning, but come on, people!
she took off briskly toward the opposite end of the store and i reluctantly followed. the reality of what was happening was beginning to sink in, and soon i was standing in the middle of the "womens" section. please take no offense if this is where you shop, the clothes are certainly very nice, it's just not really my thing. i faked a smile with a "thanks" as she left and just stood in one spot for a minute, kind of in shock. i looked around half-heartedly, then headed to the fitting room with the pairs of juniors shorts i was holding to try them on, bought one pair, and left.
these scenarios bring to mind a time earlier this year when matt asked me to pick up some adult beverages at Trader Joe's while we were visiting his family. good thing i had amanda with me for moral support, because when i went to check out, realizing i did not have my ID on me, i made some comment about my age and the guy was like, "um... yeah, i can tell." my internal response went something like, "watch it, buddy, you're not looking too hot yourself."
10 July 2008
the first ten years

I used to think the ultimate “living by faith” must mean to leave everything and go and do ministry for God in a foreign land. Now, I very much feel the need to trust God and rely on his grace to get me through each day... (lately, going through a particularly challenging season with the kids, it is quite literally an hourly plea, or even more often than that.) Many of my ideals and ambitions are having to die a slow and painful death. My place of ministry is small and not at all glamorous. Right now, living by faith for me means embracing this even when it feels like crap, allowing mySELF to be humbled and broken on a daily basis, and trusting that God can make something beautiful of it all. (The way I am feeling about things this week, believing this takes all the faith I can muster!)
Matt and I will often comment to each other that it often feels like we are going backwards instead of forward in our walks with God. I guess it depends how you are measuring it. Life is way harder than I thought it would be and it certainly seems that there are way more valleys than mountaintops. We have experienced God’s goodness in awesome and very personal ways, and we have also experienced months and years of wilderness and depression where He seems nowhere to be found. As I think back over our life together, there are so many joys and so many sorrows all mingled together. In hindsight, I can see God walking with us through all of it. Not that we are always good at acknowledging that at the time, but yes, he has been faithful and good.
While we are mostly just trying to manage our current demands of life & children, once in a while Matt and I will still wonder together what God has in store for our future. Ever since our harsh return from Australia, I have felt like I can only ever see like an arm’s length in front of us in terms of where God is leading. He’s had us in baby step mode for a while now. We wonder if life will ever take us overseas again, or if that was just a season. We’re still trying to figure out how God wants to use our lives for his glory... :) In the meantime, I guess we’ll just keep trying to take those little daily steps of obedience as best as we know how.
08 July 2008
lazy days & busy play
yesterday, miriam and levi became magicians on the swings, using their magic powers to make the sheets on the clothesline move and be still. (it had nothing to do with the breeze, of course.)
today, levi and sawyer decided to decorate their trucks for a parade...

06 July 2008
family weekend
brady, our almost one-year-old nephew
a new picture of kevin & amanda
03 July 2008
critter camp & bunny love

01 July 2008
talking with a two year old
S: look, mommy!
M: what do you see, sawyer?
S: a tane!
M: a what?
S: a tane!!
M: a train?
S: a TANE, mommy!!
M: a crane??
S: yeah, a tane.