03 July 2008

critter camp & bunny love

miriam was SO excited to go to "critter camp" for three days this week, after which she graduated into being able to volunteer at the critter barn. she gave us a tour of the farm at the end of the last day and you would have thought she already owned the place. as we were driving out she asked, "mom, can i volunteer tomorrow??" i have a feeling we are going to be there a lot over these next years.
we all loved on some baby bunnies before heading home... this picture kills me with cuteness!


the Domina said...

How do you get away with having only one pet!? The love of animals in your house is amazing! Your kids need more pets. Really. I'm buying a dozen chicks and having them shipped to your house. :)

Jill Sloothaak said...

so cute...and SO perfect for miriam!

by the way, i love the new photo at the top of your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

The way Miriam and Levi are holding that poor bunny makes us all laugh. It totally represents their personalities:)